Sunday, August 14, 2011

Bachmann stutters and splutters over her 'judgement' of gays

Minnesota congresswoman Michele Bachmann, tried to dodge questions about her views on gay and lesbian people by saying she 'doesn't judge them'.

Bachmann was asked during an interview, whether her view of gay marriage was the same she expressed in 2004 when she said being gay was 'part of Satan.'

The Republican stammered a bit and responded that she is 'running for the presidency of the United States, and not as anyone's judge.'

"I, I, I don't judge them. I don't judge them. I am running for presidency of the United States," the Daily News quoted Bachmann, as saying.

"I am not anyone's judge, and I'm not standing in as anyone's judge," she continued the same slogan when pressed again.

Bachmann then went on to say that she believed marriage is between a man and a woman.

She has been blasted by pro-gay rights groups for her views on gays and lesbians. Her husband has been accused of running clinics that council gay teenagers to be heterosexual.

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Bachmann stutters and splutters over her 'judgement' of gays

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