love me to someone who
anchor his love for Thee,
in order to increase my strength to love you
O Allah, if I fall in love,
keep my love for him not two
exceeds my love for Thee,
O Allah, if I fall in love,
let me touch someone's heart
whose hearts are linked on-MU,
so I'm not falling in love with pseudo-gap.
O Allah, if I miss,
missed keep him in order not to fail me
syurga miss thee.
O Allah, if I enjoy the love of your lover,
Do not exceed the pleasures that delight the beauty
in the last third of the night.
O Allah, if I fell in love with your lover,
do not let me stumble and fall in a long journey
calls human beings to Thee.
O Allah, if you halalkan I miss your lover,
do not let me forget I'm beyond forever
the ultimate love
and the eternal longing only to you.
O Allah You know that this has been carefully assembled in love with you,
have been met in obedience to Thee,
defendants have been united in Thee,
have been combined in defending thy Shari'a.
Exert chest-chest
us with an abundance of faith in Thee and beauty
trust in thy way
When i fall in Love
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