Tuesday, August 9, 2011

What distinguishes you with others who are successful

What distinguishes you with others who are successful ?
The answer is because you are not doing what people are successful doing.

Everything that we pursue are always demanding payment. The most commonly required when pursuing goal is to disrupt the comfort zone.

One moment you may feel the world is the smell of shrimp paste, wherever you go always smelled the smell of fish paste. Before you decide that the world is filled with shrimp paste, check you might have a mustache or shrimp paste on your dress.

To change attitudes, it depends on yourself.

Eliminating the nature of envy in us will help us towards the success of both the world and the hereafter.

With the discipline not only do we not get the sanctions, but with the discipline we will achieve success, avoid (God willing) from accidents, and discipline is also worship.

Dream, create a destination of your dreams, make plans, do a plan, and attain your dreams.

Maybe in other places you've been waiting sustenance.

If you have a noble mission, do not be afraid to fail, not the outcome to be assessed, but your efforts to achieve it.

If failure to come up to you does not mean you have to give up, but looking the other way, then do another. Again, do not give up easily.

Giving up is one way to fail.

Do not forget the failure, but take this lesson.

Forget the disappointment, because expectations of the future is still sprawling and so bright.

If there is no hope, try another path. There are still many other ways that could lead you to success.

You have gained something of value on the previous failure, so now you have more thoughtful, more experienced and more skilled.

Among the thousands of opportunities and chances, there was success, but surrounded by failure. Take a chance and opportunity, let you fail in the process of finding success.

Every failure that you make are your steps to the summit, which is a success . Every failure that you find, giving a clear direction towards success.

- can provide power
- fields get a reward
- You can explore the potential
- develop your creativity.

If what you've planned and you dream is not realized with the successful , then the best step you take is put their trust in Allah

So, expect a lot, but do not be disappointed if it fails.


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What distinguishes you with others who are successful

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