Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Tips for healthy

Water makes up 75% of our body and 2 thirds of the earths surface, making it evident that it is important for life and growth. Your lungs, cells, vital organs, muscles, bones, tissues and brain are mostly water, and depriving them of water can lead to deterioration of all of these. This means that over time, without the adequate amount of daily water, your lungs will deteriorate, your cells will deteriorate, your heart and other vital organs will deteriorate, your muscles, your bones, your tissue and your brain will deteriorate. Even your blood is 80% water, so think about what you are doing to your insides when you don't drink enough, and think about the good you are doing for your body when you do drink enough!

Water also transports oxygen to your cells, removes toxins and waste from your body, and protects joints and organs. Lack of water, leading to dehydration, can cause dizziness, fatigue, allergies, arthritis, joint and muscle pains, headaches, constipation, and in serious cases, can cause asthma, hypertention, ulcers, disease, and even death. Pay attention to all of the people walking around that are overweight, hurting, complaining of aches and pains, or have muscle cramps, arthritis, bone and joint pain, health and heart probelms, diabetes, etc. and notice the amount of water they are drinking. Probably very little if any. How many times have have you heard of a celebrity that collapsed and is in the hospital, later to find out that it was caused from dehydration. Water is more serious then people give it credit for.

Your brain is only about 2% of your over all body mass, but it takes up to 25% of all of your nutrients, including oxygen and water! So if you are depriving your body of water, your brain is suffering greatly leading to unclear vision, focus, thinking and motor skills. Your brain runs your entire body, if you don't have your brain, you don't have anything! Even medicines, both over the counter and prescription, are largely made up of water. Many scientists, and doctors (both traditional and non) know that water plays an important role in not only overall health, but in HEALING as well! New research is being presented to show that the MAIN, most important, and possibly one of the only components in the healing process of medicines used for illness, weather it be in the treatment of something as simple as a cold or complex as cancer, is water, and increase in oxygen levels (also given to you through water).

But weather you believe that water can heal disease or not, you should know that it will definetly prevent disease, and lack of it will surely and most evidently cause disease. Did you know that once you become thirsty, you are already dehydrated! Once you are thirsty, it is too late. You should be drinking water throughout your day to prevent this. And for every hour you are outside, you should drink atleast 8 ounces of water.

You should be drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day, but as with everything, too much can be harmful. If you are drinking over a gallon of water a day and still feeling dehydrated, you should go see a doctor. And you should be careful as to which water you drink. You will want the most pure water. I personally drink spring water. There is, and always will be, question and speculation about which water to is best or worst for you. Some say that spring is the best and others say it is not. It is really up to you to decide, reseach the ingredients in your water and make your own conclusion. But I would stay away from tap water all together.  I'm sure with a little research you will find a list of others, and even information to the contrary, but like I said, draw your own conclusions.

When you are choosing the type of water, you want to make sure it is free of bacteria, parasites, metals, radioactive materials, oil, and chemicals (including pestisides, herbasides, chlorine, sewage, nitrates, phosphates, etc) which can ALL be found in tap water.


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Tips for healthy

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