Thursday, September 29, 2011

Basically two possible situations of the party

It all starts with a detailed mental image of the party itself: the number of people you plan to invite, the location, the food and drinks, music, and any entertainment activities you might want to include. Identify the separate steps you need to do and find out how long each of them will take. Also, design a sequence for all these steps. When all this is planned in detail, you’ll know exactly how much time you’ll need for the preparations.

There are basically two possible situations: you know the date of the party, in which case you should start counting back from that day to determine when you should start the preparations; or you know when you are free to start taking care of the arrangements and you set the date according to that. party with me :D

Whichever situation may apply, you need to give yourself deadlines for each aspect of the party you need to polish off.

Be strict with your deadlines and allow two to three days lead time for each in case something goes awry. That way, you’ll not only have an enjoyable party, but also a pleasant preparation.


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Basically two possible situations of the party

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