Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Before the party starts

Select a unique setting for the party. Anything that is unique can be interesting and well liked by most people. Make sure to decorate the place as best as possible. It is also best to choose a party venue that guests can easily find. Inform your guests well in advance when and where the party will be held as well as the time and any dress code. It is best to give printed party invitations when inviting your guests. Relying on oral invitation may not work as it can be easily forgotten and does not provide enough information about the party.

Before the party starts, check that everything is in its proper place -- this includes cake, the food, the drinks and the gifts. As the host of the party, be at the reception area to welcome arriving guests. When the party is in full swing, remember to circulate among the guests. The perfect host goes around making sure all guest are as comfortable as they can be.

To make the party more interesting, plan a few fun games. Give prizes for winners. If entire families are invited, make sure to conduct fun games for adults and children separately. And finally, never fail to say good bye and thanks to the guest as they leave the party.


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Before the party starts

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